Wang Zining, Chief Representative of the 48 Group Club in China and Her Delegation Visited ALIC

On the afternoon of July 30th, Wang Zining, Chief Representative of the 48 Group Club in China, and her delegation visited ALIC for an exchange and tour. ALIC’s Party Secretary and President, Zhu Dongfeng, along with relevant personnel, accompanied them.

The delegation first visited the Honor Hall on the 13th floor and the export product exhibition hall. They showed great interest in the various products and unique designs on display in the exhibition hall and expressed a strong desire for cooperation.

During the meeting, President Zhu provided a detailed introduction to ALIC’s overall situation, main business areas, import and export scale, product features, market distribution, and the import and export data for the first six months of this year. He analyzed the changes in the current export situation, the various proactive measures the company has taken, and the current situation of the textile, apparel, and luggage business in the UK and Europe.

Wang Zining, the Chief Representative of the 48 Group Club in China, introduced the relevant situation of their group, highlighting key advantages such as the creation and operation of capital funds in China, the ability to coordinate global resources, and member companies spanning various industries. Li Fan, the Trade Representative for the China region who accompanied the delegation, introduced the trade methods and financing methods of the 48 Group Club, as well as potential cooperation priorities with ALIC.

Post time: Aug-29-2024